
Create, listen to or manage one of the playlists on the server

You cannot modify a playlist that was not created by you, you can only play it

Create a playlist

!playlist create <playlistName>

ex: !playlist create ChillCow

The name of the playlist must be short (16 letters maximum) and in one word and must not already be used by another playlist.You can create up to 10 playlists per server and 5 per user

Add a song to the playlist

!playlist <playlistName> add <songName | songURL | playlistURl>

ex: !playlist ChillCow add lofi hip hop !playlist ChillCow add !playlist ChillCow add

You can add up to 50 songs per playlist. You can add songs by:

  • Song name

  • URL (from youtube | soundcloud | spotify)

Remove a song from the playlist

!playlist <playlistName> remove <songNumber>

ex: !playlist ChillCow remove 1

You can see the song numbers by displaying the playlist information with the command: !playlist <playlistName>

Rename a playlist

!playlist <playlistName> rename <newPlaylistName>

ex: !playlist ChillCow rename OnlyChill

Delete a playlist

!playlist <playlistName> delete

Play a playlist

!playlist <playlistName> play

Play a specific song from the playlist

!playlist <playlistName> play <songNumber>

You can see the song numbers by displaying the playlist information with the command: !playlist <playlistName>

View all the playlists of the server


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